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Strength Master 8118 Single Station Gym
Strength Master 8118 Single Station Gym
The Strength Master 8118 Single Station Gym comes with a 66lb weight stack. The Strength Master range of multi-gyms have extremely high build quality, so much so that we are pleased to be able to offer a lifetime warranty on the frame. The gym is made from very robust 38mm steel square tubing with black chip resistant powder coating and impact absorbing rubber end caps. This home gym like all Strength Master products is built to last, ensuring it can be a prominent feature in home workouts for years ahead. This Strength Master multi-gym enables you to target a multitude of muscles groups using the various pieces of equipment available, when combined with the massive weight stack this will ensure fantastic results in strength, conditioning and seeing increased toning. Below is a list of some of the exercises you can do with the Strength Master 8118: Upright rows Chest Press Leg Extensions Crunches and sit ups Butterfly press to target biceps, triceps and pecs Lateral pulldown to target