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Aromatherapy Diffuser Necklaces Turtle
Aromatherapy Diffuser Necklaces Turtle
Description #All This aromatherapy diffuser necklace will allow you to wear your favourite essential oil or one of our special blends wherever you go while also experiencing the positive health benefits they provide. Essential Oils Here...Each locket contains a tiny piece of pad which holds a few drops of oil that slowly diffuses through the ventilation holes on the front. The scent of your oil can last for several days, but you can always top up more oil to the pad after the oil has completely diffused. Symbolism #Turtle I chose this turtle design for you as I love the idea of the ventilation holes on his back. Let’s save these most wonderous of creatures and make sure they will breathe freely in the future! No more plastic straws! Check out our bamboo straws here... The back of the locket is solid. The lockets can be opened via a tiny slit on the right which is held together with a strong magnetic closure. #TreeofLife Why the Tree of Life? The tree of life resonates deep for much of humanity, being a motif in various world theologies, mythologies, philosophies and biological sciences. Whichever way you sway, it is an awesome tree. Achieving eternal life by consuming the fruit, holding together nine Norse worlds or representing the evolutionary divergence of all living creatures is all pretty grand. But how about this: The Celtic Tree of life symbolises the forces of nature are coming together in perfect harmony to maintain balance in the universe. Specification #all Each necklace comes with 10 assorted colour pads. This way you can colour code your oils so you don't inadvertently mix them, unless of course you love to experiment yourself. #Turtle Diameter: 25mm x 5mm thick Material: Stainless Steel to ensure the oils do not tarnish or breakdown the metal over time #TreeofLife Diameter: 30mm x 5mm thickMaterial: Stainless Steel to ensure the oils do not tarnish or breakdown the metal over time Story Ancient Wisdom is a distributor of thousands of ethically sound products from all over the world, including the UK. We like Ancient Wisdom. While they do not have a slew of badges and accreditations what they do have is a solid ethos of fair, reasonable and practical across everything they do. Read More...