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7ft HyGYM Olympic Barbell | Squat and deadlift bar
7ft HyGYM Olympic Barbell | Squat and deadlift bar
The 7ft HyGYM Olympic Barbell is easily the most popular choice amongst fitness enthusiasts when it comes to weight training. They offer far more versatility than fixed-weight machines. Now thanks to the fantastic 7ft HyGYM Olympic Barbell, it is possible to add even more excitement and variety to your training programme. Our bars are beautifully chrome crafted with a knurled handle to provide that extra grip. With a max load of 450Kg (990Ibs), you can maximise your weights to fit your personal needs. Fitted for Olympic bumper plates, the Olympic barbell is fully compatible with your power cage and can also be easily stored in your home or garage gym. Challenge yourself with a full list of exercises including, bench presses, bicep curls, squats, lunges and many more. The barbell can help to target all the major muscle groups allowing toning and strengthening. Not only can you improve muscle endurance but also promote healthy weight loss giving you full satisfaction. The 7ft HyGYM Olympic Barbell is a multipurpose hand weight that upholds a weight limit of as much as 1,000-pounds. This cross breed bar is made from cold-moved steel covered in chrome. It is suitable for Olympic lifts and more slow, heavier force lifts. Worked for moderate to cutting edge lifters; used in carport exercise centre settings, the bars smooth sleeves highlight 10 needle orientation put between the shaft and the sleeve, giving a more fluid twist, and steady roll to your bar. Warranty At HyGYM we offer a 24 month warranty to ensure complete customer satisfaction.