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HyGYM Adjustable POWER Weight Bench
HyGYM Adjustable POWER Weight Bench
If you want Stability, Strength and Comfort, then look no further. Our HyGYM Adjustable power Weight Bench has an impressive max load weight of 300KG. Perfect for working out from home. This stunning weight bench offers both incline and decline functionality with added leg supports allowing you to work more muscle groups during your workout. Made from high-grade treated cast iron giving structural strength to avoid rocking motion during workout and complete with F2 foam for complete comfort. HyGYM 24 MONTH WARRANTY Our HyGYM power weight bench is covered by a 24-month warranty to give you complete peace of mind. ADJUSTABLE INCLINE / DECLINE WEIGHT BENCH There are 7 adjustable height options for the bench: 130°, 140°, 150°, 160°, 170°, 180°, 200° and a further 4 adjustment options for the seat making this bench comfortable for all. You can adjust the height depending on how tall you may be, allowing you to more-comfortably plant your feet on the floor, which in turn increases your stability. HyGYM Adjustable power weight bench press is perfect to help you strengthen, tone, and build muscle. This multi-Purpose adjustable weight bench, level slope decay feed with customizable seat and back pad. Multipurpose weight seat for all levels and exercise styles. Glides effectively in the middle of reps, circuits, and around the home. Profoundly scratch safe for fast and simple clean, solidness flexible free weight seat – for your home rec center for protected, secure weight lifting, strength preparing, center turn of events and abs exercise.