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NUDESTIX Glowy Nude Skin Set
NUDESTIX Glowy Nude Skin Set
A limited edition 2-piece kit with all you need for a natural healthy glow. The GLOWY NUDE SKIN kit contains best-selling universal shades designed by leading celebrity make-up artists, in NUDIES MATTE BRONZE for warm bronzing and NUDIES GLOW for a soft metallic, glassy skin glow. Together, this multi-tasking duo provides nude, natural sun kissed skin that glows! The GLOWY NUDE SKIN kit makes looking natural and healthy so easy with 2 products. The Set Contains: Nudies Matte Bronze - Sunkissed 7g NUDIES MATTE BRONZE in Sunkissed (rosy bronze) to warm and sculpt the face, softly shade eyelids and add a natural tint to lips. Rich colour payoff. Longwearing and water resistant. Non-drying. Multi-tasking for eyes, lip, cheeks. Non-feathering. Nudies Glow - Bubbly Bebe 7g Add a natural tint to lips and NUDIES GLOW in Bubbly Bébé (universal champagne glow) a skin brightening balm with a soft metallic glow to dab on highpoints of the face for a dewy highlight. Rich dewy highlighter. Longwearing and water resistant. Multi-tasking for eyes, lip, cheeks. Non-drying and non-greasy.