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MAC Ultimate Charcoal Mask Kit
MAC Ultimate Charcoal Mask Kit
The MAC Ultimate Charcoal Mask Kit combines a hand-sculpted foundation brush and a purifying face mask that will help you achieve smooth and flawless skin. The Set Contains: 191 Square Foundation Brush Crafted from synthetic fibres, the square-shaped brush has a large, flat design with a fine edge for even application, distribution and blending. Suitable for use with liquid, emulsion and cream products on the face and body, the innovative shape offers excellent coverage control, allowing you to build up sheer layers and textures with the confidence of a professional. The hand-sculpted brush is made from natural wood with a nickel-plated brass ferrule. Reset & Revive Charcoal Mask (100ml) A decongesting treatment that penetrates deeply into skin to eliminate dirt and impurities without stripping moisture. Harnessing the powers of Bamboo Charcoal Powder and mineral-rich White Clay, the luxurious face mask expertly draws out pore-clogging dirt and excess oil, whilst targeting blemishes and blackheads to promote a smoother, more refined texture. Skin is clear, smooth and prepared for flawless makeup application. Suitable for all skin types.