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BAKEL Malic Lightening and Renewing Serum (30ml)
BAKEL Malic Lightening and Renewing Serum (30ml)
Regain a bright and youthful complexion with BAKEL Malic Lightening and Renewing Serum, a unique brightening solution that hydrates, nourishes and evens out skin tone. Ridding the skin's surface of dead cells with its fusion of malic, mandelic and tartaric acid, the formula leaves your skin with a luminous, healthy glow. Working synergistically, the unique blend of natural active ingredients will inspire even tone and colour, whilst improving and renewing your overall complexion. Suitable for all skin types. BAKEL utilise 100% natural active ingredients in all of their products, ensuring whatever touches your skin is good, natural and pure. With no perfumes, alcohol, artificial colours, preservatives or animal derivatives, every BAKEL treatment is dermatologically tested and boasts minimal allergy risk. Built upon a strong foundation of objective confirmed and scientifically proven formulas, BAKEL products are suitable for all skin types and fight against the main causes of skin-ageing. - K.N.