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Menscience Acne Therapy Lotion (45g)
Menscience Acne Therapy Lotion (45g)
This pharmaceutical-grade, ultra-light, oil-free and fast-absorbing MenScience Acne Therapy Lotion uses the most effective acne treatment medicine prescribed by doctors (benzoyl peroxide) to prevent and control breakouts.The unique formula of the MenScience Acne Therapy Lotion also provides green tea, allantoin, panthenol and urea to help soothe acne-stressed skin and improve skin’s appearance for immediate and long-term results.This lotion utilises a 3 % concentration of the most effective prescription-grade medicine (benzoyl peroxide) to maintain skin and prevent breakouts, whilst helping to combat inflammation associated with acne and soothe stressed skin.The MenScience Acne Therapy Lotion has a fast-absorbing invisible application that helps to repair acne scarring and heal acne-damaged skin.Directions of use:Wash face with liquid cleanser and lukewarm water and then dry it Apply Acne Therapy Lotion in a thin layer to skin in affected areas.Begin with 1 application daily, then gradually increase to 2 times a day if needed.LOOKFANTASTIC tip:If going outside, allow product to dry, then apply TiO2 Sunblock SPF 30.To target individual, existing blemishes, apply Acne Spot Repair to pimples only.