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Triumph & Disaster Gameface Moisturiser Tub 100ml
Triumph & Disaster Gameface Moisturiser Tub 100ml
Keep your skin protected from the elements with Triumph and Disaster Gameface Facial Moisturiser. Non-greasy, it quickly absorbs into your skin to leave it feeling hydrated and fresh. Enriched with nourishing botanical extracts and vitamins, it conditions your skin and delivers all of the vital nutrients that your skin needs.Key Ingredients: Jojoba: This botanical extract is the closest thing to the oil that your skin naturally produces, so it works with your skin rather than fighting against it. A wax ester, it is light and non-greasy. Ponga: A type of fern, it contains a composition of polysaccharides which form an elastic film that tightens and lifts the skin. Horopito: A fantastic antioxidant agent, it conditions the skin to leave it looking and feeling healthy. Directions of Use: Apply every morning and night after cleansing to a dry face. About the Brand:Triumph and Disaster are a New Zealand-based brand that got their name thanks to a line from the Rudyard Kipling poem, 'If'. They combine science with nature to produce high quality products that really work. Using indigenous ingredients, Triumph and Disaster aim to respect nature, utilise science and create products of ritual and tools for preparation.