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Hydrea London Carbonized Bamboo Shower Gloves
Hydrea London Carbonized Bamboo Shower Gloves
Be amazed by the remarkable health and beauty benefits of Hydrea London Carbonized Bamboo Shower Gloves. Helping discharge the body of positive ions from the electronic devices of modern day life, these gloves will leave you cleansed and relaxed.Releasing far infrared waves which help energise the body and metabolism as well as regulating body temperature, Hydrea London Carbonized Bamboo Shower Gloves have a perfect exfoliating texture which washes away dead surface cells while boosting circulation and encouraging skin cell rejuvenation for silky smooth and radiant skin. Using naturally antibacterial and breathable bamboo to ensure these gloves are odour and mildew resistant, its positive properties are permanent no matter how many times you use them! What’s more, bamboo is eco-friendly and organically grown resource so you can pamper yourself with a clear conscience!